June 2023 – Nationality

The Canadian Trax contingent made quite a splash at the Weimaraner Club of America National Specialty week.  Starting with marvellous Mick who won High in Trial in Obedience with an Open A monster score of 199/200; he also passed the Tracking Dog Urban test and Novice Shooting and Retrieving Ratings. Next up, Kenni, who was awarded Most Versatile Weimaraner for combined event results that included passing Shooting Dog Excellent and Retrieving Dog Ratings, qualifying in Novice obedience and winning Triple High Combined in Rally Obedience, Billie was awarded Junior Most Versatile Weimaraner with a Show Futurity placement and qualifying scores in Rally Novice, Novice Shooting Dog and Novice Retrieving Dog, Spiffy was the High Scoring Dog in Novice level Agility competition and also qualified in Novice Shooting and Retrieving Ratings and passed the Tracking Dog test.  Lastly, the yearling Dezzi really stepped up all week long, passing the Tracking Dog Excellent test and Novice Shooting and Novice Retrieving Ratings in style, earning her Rally Novice title with a perfect score of 100 and winning her show Futurity class. Kudos all!



